Tyringham Initiative

The Tyringham Initiative was launched at Tyringham Hall in 2015, as a world-class think-tank for the evolution, expansion and deeper understanding of 'new-paradigm consciousness'.

Through a unique integration of Science and Spirit, the Tyringham Initiative (TI) could be described as a ‘Mystery School for the New Renaissance’, becoming both the incubator and the propagator for the ideas that will enable humanity to confront the systemic challenges of the 21st century – from the ecological and social, to the economic, metaphysical and the spiritual.

Between September 2015 and September 2018, TI hosted and curated eleven seminal events at Tyringham Hall.

The house now has a new owner, but TI continues to operate as a virtual platform, renowned in its enquiry for exploration, innovation, rigour and integrity, for disseminating an expanding archive of cutting edge educational content to a global audience and staging further events at other locations around the world. Our most recent event, Exploring the Presence of the Sentient Other, was held in October 2022 at Broughton Hall in the UK.

Entity explorations and 'Extended-State' DMT experiments


“This is not about a drug; this is about a technology; a communication device, a particular molecule that’s possible, sole purpose, is as a sacrament for access to universal consciousness… to the divine.”


Thanks to a mystical experience when he was 15, followed by a psychedelic practice that started 17 years ago, Anton Bilton developed a conviction of the true existence of the ‘Sentient Other’. This also led to him co-founding the Tyringham Initiative in 2015, hosting the first of several multi-disciplinary symposia events, designed to push the envelope on DMT research.

Tyringham Initiative Publications


DMT Dialogues
DMT Entity Encounters

World-class Symposia


Exploring the Presence of the Sentient Other, Oct 2022

The documentary film Sacrament is in production


Divine Molecule Talks Symposium 2017


“This really is at the cutting edge.”


“I just wanted to check in and give you my thanks — many many thanks! — for inviting me to this incredible event at Tyringham. I am still reeling, to be frank… It was easily the most incredible, stimulating event of this kind I’ve attended in years.”


Thank you for organising that fantastic event at Tyringham Hall last week… I loved every minute of it… We are very happy to know, despite all the darkness in the world, that there are good people working together to usher in the light.”


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Tyringham Initiative

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